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Set up of Your Stall Curtains 
at a Horse Show

(Click here for special aluminum rod support system instructions)

Curtains can be hung in a variety of ways, including custom support systems comprised of horizontal aluminum expandable rods and vertical aluminum poles. We offer this type of system through our company. Over the past years, most folks have used 1x2 boards, staples, nails, wire, duct tape, etc., to hang their curtains on the stalls at horse shows.  This method takes a lot of time, a second person to help in the installation and, of course, the necessary boards and other items to hang the curtains.  Another simple solution to hanging curtains would be the use of "C" clamps, or "Quick-Grip" clamps (see pictures below), obtainable at most hardware stores like Home Depot, Lowe's, True Value, etc.  These clamps come in many sizes, but we recommend one that will accommodate an opening of at least three inches, thus fitting most any type top of stall panel rail width.  Hanging your 8' curtain over the top of a stall panel, adjusting to barely within a fraction of an inch of the floor, and then attaching the appropriate clamp and tightening to hold the curtain in place is all it takes.  We would recommend a clamp every two feet to keep the curtain hung tight with no wrinkles.  Clamps work well when you encounter swinging doors as you can hang the individual door curtain and valance on the door or the valance on the frame above the door and the door curtain on the door.  We have encountered numerous configurations of stall doors, frames, etc., from show facility to show facility.  Unfortunately, not every facility will accommodate your normal method of hanging your curtains, but most are going to be similar in nature.  A little creativeness is occasionally needed when encountering an unusual stall configuration. At times we have even attached the curtains and valance to the top of a swing out door, thus when the door opens the curtain and valance swing toward you and into the adjacent stall front curtain.  Some clients have even ordered an extra stall door name panel to cover the inside of the door so that it doesn't show metal door and grill when it is open.  You are welcome to call or e-mail us if you have any questions regarding the set up of your individual curtains at a show.




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